Robots are facing extinction. Their final outpost in the galaxy is under threat. But it's nothing a team of scrappy android engineers and a giant battle mech can't handle, right?

Scrap Station Defenders is a real-time strategy game that takes place at two scales--inside and outside your giant mech. Order your android workers to pilot the mech, then zoom out and command your mech on the battlefield. Gather scrap metal from fallen enemies and use it to build up your systems. Defend the station at all costs, and robotkind might live to see another day.

This game was created between August 15th - 20th, 2024 for the GMTK Game Jam 2024, with the theme Built to Scale.


  • WASD - Move camera
  • Tab - Switch interior / exterior view
  • Left click  - Select worker or mech, then select target
    • Tip: Click on the object itself, not on its icon. Rotate the camera if you need to get a better view.
  • Right click and drag - Rotate camera
  • Mouse wheel - Zoom in / out



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I am not able to click on objects. At least it seems there is nothing happening. What do I have to do.

The mech isn't piloted at first, so it won't move yet.

First, you have to press Tab to go inside the mech, click on the character there, then click on the cockpit station in the top middle of the screen. Watch the status text to make sure it's working. 

Once they start operating the station, you will be able to go back outside the mech and control it.

Thx I now enjoyed the game. But an enemy spawned inside my station so that was unfair. But nice game, I liked the strategic element.