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Even without the horror elements, this game is absolutely a banger. I loved playing it <3

animal crossing on crack and with murderous intent lmao

GAME DEVS i loved this game.

literally do not judge this game by its cover

I stopped in the middle of the game and I'm now in the middle of the water, what do I do??? I can't move!!


Game was                                                                                                               Good

Needed more                                                                                                Bunjamin

I tried to play this game but it seems incompatible with my keyboard. Downloaded both versions but W was still Z and A was still Q. 

The game music is fire!! The chase music was def my favorite. Happy Thanksgiving, I loved playing this game.

Este juego es divertidísimo. Me encantó!

Me gustó mucho. Mi amigo casi muere xd dice que esta noche no duerme

I really dig this game 😄 From the cutesy art style to the weird, creepy characters & atmosphere. I think this is great lil indie horror game 😁

I had a blast playing this & I hope to see more of Hamster Chef & "friends" in the future 😉 Keep up the awesome work!

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Gave it a Let's Play, cute game, nice relaxing music, big cheeks. 

This game is so lovely and scary:

Absolutely loved the whistle while traveling feature. 

Hey, I really enjoyed the game! It was a really calming and cozy experience! 🥰

W game played for a stream :)

a great game with beautiful music and a chilling environment, 10/10 would recommend  

i LOVE this game omg. it's so cute and nostalgic and creepy in the right ways. The only complaint I have is that it's not longer! (I did experience some weird camera problems that turned out to NOT be the game's fault. oops)

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if you dont know about this game i will warn you that its a [REDACTED]


brah its supposed to be secret

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yo! This was absolutely fantastic! I appreciated its length, coupled with its charming N64-style graphics and addictive arcade gameplay. It's a fantastic package that's perfect for replaying. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Hamster Chef has in store for us next! I've recorded my initial thoughts for a  let's play! If you're interested in this game, I think you might enjoy watching it! lmk!

So yeah I found out about this game because of uhhh fanart and so I had to look it up and find out what it was about! Neat!


Nahh This game was crazy... I never screamed so loud in my life.
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Honestly, this game was such a vibe! Delivering food to the villagers felt like a whole experience.

I was totally immersed in it. Can't wait for the sequel to drop!

Read the full review

Love, love, LOVED seeing Hamtaro becoming the little master chef that he is and developing very /close/ relationships with his friends around the totally and completely safe village. I DEFINITELY don't feel like I was the accomplice to anything except having fun obviously!

This game made me so happy <3
Especially loved the little humming animations and effects. Heckin' adorable :D

Oh, what a cute hamster!  It was so healthy and fun to see him work so hard for his friends.

However, the quietness and darkness of the first night with almost no visibility heightened my anxiety, and I almost peed my pants when I stepped outside the fence because I was so scared.


What an adoracreepy game! The game is a blast def recommend a play!

I love this game. My favorite. 10 star.

I really thought this was just gonna be a cute and happy game oh i was wrong 

10/10 game , first time i think it's like animal crossing , but after playing 15mins it's so horror . 

This is probably one of my favourite games. I love the soundtrack and cute aesthetic :D

aight guys i didn't know why does this game show up when i search "horrors" but then i read the comments

This game is AMAZING 

the game is VERY good. but I would love for there to be a version without the horror part Xd

A clever cooking game that took me back to my youth playing the N64 at my friend's house :) I enjoyed the twist and epic conclusion.


Lol why do I feel like there is going to be a dark twist? o.o

Awesome! Loved the style and how it didn't take itself to seriously. 



This was so awesome! I can't wait to see more Hamster Chef!

Love the vibe, I thought It would be more gore but this is also pretty neat!

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